Stop and Pray

I've had writer's block. I never believed that it was a real thing before because I could always just stop and write anything. But it is real and it is hard to admit. The last three months in Jinja have been difficult. That is even hard to admit. Maybe it's pride. Maybe it's because I could not exactly put my finger on "why" it's been so hard. Maybe it's because I'm so passionate about this place and I know that I am called to be here. So why should it be hard? There were problems with renewing legal permits but all is resolved. Everything seems to take a little bit longer here but "longer" sometimes becomes frustrating and stressful. There have been problems internally with staff. This has been difficult because the people we love and build relationships with are supposed to love back and be truthful and loyal and yet...we are all human. We all mess up and we all need grace. We have had "integrity" issues with those that we serve. And yet, God reminds me that we all mess up and we all need grace.

We have had budget problems and trying to deal with the stress of MANY needs medically, physically and spiritually with the vulnerable women and children here. And yet, God spoke to me very plainly this past week through a study in Nehemiah. Sometimes God puts a dream in our hearts that is so BIG that when it becomes a reality, the only explanation can be God. God is the God of impossible. That is what He has reminded me. HEAL Ministries today is a dream so BIG that became a reality so quickly that the only explanation can be God.

Nehemiah was a planner and a do-er and God knew that it took a person like him to re-build the wall of Jerusalem. There were many obstacles along the way but what Nehemiah did when every single obstacle came...was STOP and PRAY. He prayed before every single decision was made. He prayed when funds were needed and he prayed for guidance and help. Action never happened until prayer took place.

God has reminded me that when there are obstacles, we must STOP and PRAY. I have been so caught up in the "doing" and the "planning" that I humbly admit that I did not take time for prayer first. Actions preceded prayer. HEAL Ministries will be fine. Most of the "trials" and "problems" have been sorted out. Unnecessary stress and worry occurred. All because prayer did not precede action.

I would love for everyone reading this to join us in prayer. Pray for us to receive the funds that are needed to complete the 2015 budget. Pray for hearts that can only be changed by God. Pray for the leaders at the James Place (including me and Trey) and pray for wisdom, guidance and clear direction. As we continue this awesome journey, pray that when we get "off track" in the field by taking action before prayer that God would direct us quickly back through his Word. Today I'm thankful for Nehemiah. God showed up and used Nehemiah to do the "possible" and never expected him to do any of the impossible. We just put our trust in Him and watch Him do what no man thinks is possible. Now, I'm excited to see what we will be writing about the next quarter!

UncategorizedRachel Weir